"The Value of Memorials
I've heard people say it seems God's not all that concerned about my physical and emotional needs; He certainly never seems to do much.
They say God's not all that concerned about our needs here and now. It's basically harps, halos, heaven, pie in the sky by and by, and all that good stuff. To those who embrace that view we say 'Amen,' but they're only partially correct.
Some say the promised land for you and me is all here and now. They base their philosophy upon Galatians 5:22, which promises an improvement in their personal character for all who walk with the Lord. While thats correct, it's only partially correct.
I, for one, believe I Thessalonians 5:23 is an adequate picture of the boundaries of our personal promised land: '...And I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless...'.
Would you agree with me that God is as concerned about the outer you as the inner you? There are some who desire spiritual things at the exclusion of physical, and vice verse.
How can you tell what God's doing or has done? Look back and see the memorials to His working that have been left to us. Memorials and monuments seem so very important in Scripture. My question is, 'Do you have any in your life?' Places where God supernaturally intervened in your life and made himself known at a physical and spiritual level? Like drying up the water of the Red Sea, as it were, so you could cross. Or providing a way where there was no way. If you're struggling to think of some, let me suggest several: (1) Remember the Cross - It's a memorial to our Lord's defeat of hell and His redemption of sinners; He saved me. (2) Remember our vows - He gave us to one another; we're commited to Him and He to us. (3) Personal Healing - He touched me. I not only have promises for this; I have personal experience.
Memorials to the Lord are built on earth and established in Heaven. There is no time or force that can erode God's workings toward us. They serve as a constant reminder of His faithfulness and care. May this Memorial Day [week] remind you of the memorials built to men and women who have paid a great price for the freedoms we enjoy, and to our God who, in Christ, has made us truly free.
Ron Mehl"