"The final days prior to the deathof our Lord are filled with an amazing number of poignant and deeply stirring moments... friom an emotion filled room with Jesus at the disciples' feet, to the betrayal and beating at the hands of the political and religious rulers, to the ultimate victory at the right hand of the Father in majesty. Although covering only a few days in the life of our Lord, these events compose about one third of the Gospels. The sequence of days is listed below as a point of study as we look toward the celebration and rejoicing of Jesus resurrection this coming Easter Sunday.
The Passover Feast: Matthew 26: 17-29
Discourse on feet washing John 13: 1-16
Prophecy of betrayal Mark 14: 18-21
Departure of Judas from the upper chamber John 13: 26-30
The new commandment John 13: 13-35
Institution of the supper Mark 14: 22-25; I Corinthians 11:23-26
Prediction of Peter's denial Luke 22: 31-34
Departure from the upper chamber Luke 22: 39
Garden of Gethsemane Matthew 26: 36-46
Arrest of Jesus John 18: 3-12
Peter's rash action and denial Matthew 26: 51,52; Matthew 26: 58-75
In the high priest's house Mark 14: 53-65
Ban pronounced on apostate, led to excommunication John 8: 49; John 9: 22
Christ delivered to Pilate Matthew 27: 1,2; Matthew 27: 11-27
Remorse of Judas Matthew 27: 3-10
Christ before Herod Luke 23: 6-12
Condemned and crowned Mark 15: 15-20
Journey to Golgotha Luke 23: 26-33
Words from the cross Matthew 27: 46; Mark 15: 34; Luke 23: 34,43,46; John 19: 26,27,28,30
The two malefactors Luke 23: 38-43
Friends and enemies around the cross Matthew 27: 39-43; 55, 56
Burial of Jesus John 19: 38-42
Sealing of sepulchre and stationing of guards Matthew 27: 62-66
Women and angel at sepulchre Luke 24: 1-8
Disciples at sepulchre John 20: 2-10
Jesus at sepulchre John 20: 11-17