'I urge you then, first of all, that request prayers, intercession, and thankgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness,' I Timothy 2: 1, 2
Sunday - Pray for a moral and spiritual awakening in the entire country, acknowledging God's mercy and forgivness (II Chronicles 7:14):
* Pray for personal renewal and confession of all known sin (I John 1:9)
* Pray for us individually, that we may realize God's love and draw upon His wisdom and understanding (James 1:5; Proverbs 3:5,6)
* Pray for youth and their families, that they may desire to to listen to and learn from one another (Colossians 1:10)
* Pray for Christians to become vital witnesses for Christ through their lives and words (II Corinthians 5: 17-20)
Monday - Pray for the leaders of our country by name, [that] they might have wisdom, guidance, protection, and awareness of God's presence in mind and heart, and that they might practice integrity (I Timothy 2: 1-6, I Samuel 12: 14):
* President, Cabinet, Officers, Staff, Vice President, Congress, Judicial System, Military, Ambassadors and others in places of authority home and abroad
Tuesday - Pray for leaders of your state, county, and city (Psalm 127:1; Romans 13: 1-5):
* Governor, Legislators, County Officials, City Officials, Judges and Court Officials, Public and private School Authorities, Law enforcement officials
Wednesday - Pray for those undergoing persecution, Imprisonment, or privation:
* Pray for all persons being persecuted for their commitment to Christ around the world (Psalm 91: 14-16)
* Pray for prisoners of drugs, alcohol, immorality, obscenity, pornography, crime prejudice, unbelief, and despair (John 8:36)
* Pray for prisoners of poverty, hunger, and illness (Philippians 4:19)
Thursday - Pray for the church and church related organizations, local and nationwide:
* Pray for unity within the body of Christ, and for the evangelization of the world (John17:11, Acts 4:29, I Timothy 2:4)
* Pray for ministers, teachers, laymen, evangelists, missionaries, strategic events, chaplains, deacons, and elders in theological schools.
Friday - Pray for greater Christian impact in mass media and cultural or social services (Colossians 2:8, Proverbs 1:7):
* Pray for newspapers, commentators, film industry, television, radio, magazines, community service, medical services, scientific research.
Saturday - pray for one another:
* Pray for purity of our thoughts and deeds, that we may be fit instruments and channels for God's love (Psalm 139: 23,24)
* Pray that Christians might encourage and stimulate one another to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24)
* Pray for individual needs (Philippians 4: 6,7)