Please Note:
In this left hand page my dad refers to a major earthquake as well as follow-up events that occurred quite a few years ago. But considering the trials and "shake ups" we are currently facing in our country - and the world! - I really believe if you subsitute current terms, this message speaks to where we are. Prayerfully, my dad's thoughts, and the prayer contained herein, will be a blessing to you all.
In Him,
Ron Jr
"The devastating earthquake of San Francisco a few years ago, and then those of recent date have impacted all of us,. Anyone who has a warm heart has been stirred to pray, moved to compassion, and committed to help. All of us discover how easily we are lulled to passivity, neglect, forgetfulness, or ingratitude. It only takes long enough for us to become familiar with a system; a process; a gift; a blessing; a little time with the lovely or the beautiful, and its taken for granted. The same is true in God's Word we've come to know. It becomes rigid and presumed upon once we think we truly understand it. Strong, life giving principles become dead tradition, understood concepts become legalism, and what has been revelation truth becomes inscribed ritual.
The shake-up our nation is presently experiencing in virtually every arena of our lives should force us to evaluate our present foundations and faith. The Holy Spirit will use life's circumstances to help direct us back to the basic essentials, such as a childlike faith and a godly hope. He is calling us who know Him to holiness which is deeply rooted in Him, renewing our ministry mindedness, and destroying selfishness which so slowly, yet so surely, corrodes the soul and weakens our impact.
I'm asking you to join me in prayer for a release in the heavenlies as well as a breakthrough on earth, releasing many to God-given ministry, and stirring many to turn to Christ.
Blessed Lord, we're reminded of the hymn that says: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand." And for that, I'm thankful.
Dear Father, we're confident these days because of the dependibility of Your sovereign, sure Word which is the ground upon which we stand. That is the foundation upon which we come: the unshakeable, unmovable, unchangeable Rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ, Your Son.
And Lord, we ask You today to shower upon us with a mighty flow of Your grace and the reign of Your Spirit. Change our lives, rescue drifting souls, rebuild broken homes, mend the broken hearts of a broken people, and establish in all of us the beauty and work of Your restoring hand.
Father, we hunger for a breakthrough in the cities of our nation, asking for a loosing of Satan's hold upon many and the releasing of them into a new season of freedom and joy. Father, may Your kingdom come and Your will be done in Portland, and the World, as it is in heaven.
In the name of Christ our Lord, which is above every name both in heaven and earth, we declare victory and triumph based on the firm foundation of your cross.
In the name of Christ our Lord,
Ron Mehl"