The Latest From Heart of the Word

11.17.2024 - Thank you to KPDQ and YOU for this honor...

Award 2024

The moving truck finally rolled into Beaverton, Oregon.  It was 1973.  It contained everything we owned, along with our two young sons 5-yr old Ron Jr and 1-yr old Mark, and had made the trip all the way from Kenosha, Wisconsin.

We left our ministry as youth directors covering six states, in the Great Lakes District, to start our first pastorate at a small church (we had 12 people, the first Sunday - including the four Mehls!) in Beaverton.  It was the beginning of the most exciting and wonderful years of our lives together.  The goodness and faithfulness of the Lord was taking us down a road we had not travelled before.  He brought us to a community that received us graciously, and to a small to congregation of some of the most wonderful people we could have hoped for.  The church flourished in His faithfulness!

Those are wonderful memories, but not really the reason I wanted to write this to you.  I would like to share our thankfulness for something else that contributed to our ministry and was instrumental in the growth and blessing of the church.  In 1979 the church was contacted by the KPDQ radio station and offered a 15 minute daily broadcast. We accepted the offer, and at that time we began sharing an edited version of the services at the church. And in just a short while, it changed from 15 minutes to 30, allowing us to share almost a complete message.  We became a part of the KPDQ family, which is still true to this day.  We have now enjoyed 45 years of partnership with KPDQ in spreading the gospel. We are so thankful for their support and graciousness in serving us in every way to make that happen.

Recently we received a very surprising and humbling award!  You may have heard it announced over the last couple months on KPDQ that they hosted a “Pastors’ Breakfast” for pastors and others in ministry who could attend.  At the breakfast, to our surprise, Heart of the Word received an award, the “KPDQ  2024 Distinguished Broadcast Award”, awarded to Heart of the Word and Ron Mehl “for his years of programs”, which still continue so long (20+ years!) after his home going.  So, thank you so, so much, KPDQ and staff!  We appreciate you!

There is also another “group” we would like to thank - and that is all of you, the listeners, who have supported us loyally, through almost 45 years!  You have made it possible for us to continue to bring the Truth to those the Lord is able to touch through the broadcast.  Pastor Ron’s greatest desire in life was to be a tool to touch the hearts of as many people as he could with the Word of God.  This would not have been possible - either in the past, nor continuing on to this day in his absence - if it were not for your faithfulness in support.  Not just in the gracious donations you constantly share, but most of all, in the prayer support that we feel from you.  It is crucial!

So, even more than the ministry, YOU deserve this award.  And for that reason I wanted to say thank you for all you have done to make the Heart of the Word program a channel for bringing many to a life in Jesus Christ.  You have given and prayed, and God has supplied the results!

Thank you each one, so much!  Each time we look at the KPDQ 2024 Distinguished Broadcast Award, we will think of you!

God’s richest blessings,

Joyce Mehl

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