Lux et Veritas
The Left Hand Page
Redemption and the Family, Part 2
By: Pastor Ron Mehl
Several things permeate our society and, unfortunately, some infiltrate the mentality of the church – the disregard for family redemption, parental authority, and responsibility. Some people don’t respond to the Biblical mandate to develop their family relationships in love because they’re either new believers, they’re just plain rebellious, or they’re flat out lazy. We’re not talking about patriarchal power that demands everyone bow to Mom and Dad, but a way of life that’s essential to the prosperity and longevity of those we love (Ephesians 5 & 6). Many people make demands without understanding, commands without meaning, and discipline without love. In Ephesians 5 & 6, we’re exhorted to love as Christ loved the church, and to raise our children in the nurture (train by deed) and admonition (train by word) of the Lord. So learning how the Lord fathers us seems to be essential.
It’s rather obvious according to Matthew 19:14 that the kingdom of God belongs to children. The disciples wanted to delay the children’s exposure to Jesus and their growth in Him. I don’t think the disciples speak for everyone in this instance, but it’s certainly a way of thought accepted by many. Little did they realize God was speaking to them about becoming like little children. And it’s God’s desire that we all become like children – not childish, but childlike – so that the glory and person of Jesus might be revealed in us now. Why is the idea of children and the kingdom coupled together? Because God knows children are teachable, children are responsive, children are simple-hearted, and children have potential. As a child of God, you’re becoming a person who will partner with God.
In God’s mind, all of us who know Him, whether single, a single parent, or a couple with five children, have large purpose because of:
1. Our destiny – Genesis 1:26-28; Romans 8:28-29 a. Made to be sovereign b. Made in God’s likeness 2. Our duration – John 3:16 a. Long-range purpose b. Everlasting being 3. Our creative possibilities – Genesis 1:27-28 a. In bringing forth life b. In being creative
We won’t have been in eternity long before we see the infinite possibilities God has for us of ruling and reigning with Christ, and that part of the training ground is the home. I’m thankful God is gracious enough to cover our ignorance while refusing to sugarcoat our negligence. My prayer is that, during our family conference, we’ll all open ourselves to God’s redemptive work personally in our hearts, and collectively in our homes.
Part of His family,